Petition for Health Canada and the IOM to Re-evaluate Vitamin D Guidelines

Premature deaths and avoidable health care costs can be avoided by simply taking adequate vitamin D supplementation.
Recent research shows a grave statistical error was made by the Institute of Medicine in the calculation of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamin D. [1]
As a result of this miscalculation, Health Canada’s recommendations for vitamin D intake are too low, and IMMEDIATE ACTION IS REQUIRED to correct this error that is putting ALL Canadians at risk.
Low vitamin D levels have been linked with numerous diseases including:
• cancer (breast, colon and prostate)
• osteoporosis
• diabetes
• depression
• colds and flus
• hypertension and cardiovascular disease
• mortality
• acne
Health professionals base their guidance to patients on RDAs, and therefore it is of paramount importance that the RDA for vitamin D in Canada be accurate. Pure North S’Energy Foundation needs your signature to bring about a critical change in Health Canada’s recommendation.
Not only are the recommendations not adequate but Health Canada limits the amount of vitamin D in supplements to 1,000 IU per tablet and anything above that requires a prescription. In the United States people have access to supplements of 7,000 IU, yet both responsible government agencies utilize the same recommendations. Canadians should be able to purchase vitamin D supplements at the same dose as Americans.
Sign our petition today!
I support policies for the maintenance of optimal health and prevention of disease. The RDA for vitamin D needs to be re-evaluated by the IOM and Health Canada.
[1] Veugelers PJ, Ekwaru JP. 2014. A statistical error in the estimation of the Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin D.Nutrients20;6(10):4472-5.